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レッスン -
- 13歳以上
- 4人まで
※レッスンは日本語もしくは英語 にて行います。
寿司ホームパーティー Sushi-home party
Sushi-home party 12,500
Enjoy learning the world’s most popular sushi (nigirizushi, makizushi, and temakizushi). Sushi made with fresh fish and vegetables is often prepared in Japanese homes (with miso soup). Dessert will be Kuzumochi, a traditional Japanese sweet. Why not have a sushi party during holidays?
Cooking Experience Procedure
Welcome to Cook Aid Nara, a cooking class for foreigners!
After self-introductions, we will have a briefing about the dishes we will make today (①). Knowing the ingredients commonly used in Nara and the historical background of the dishes will make your Japanese cooking experience more interesting.Then it is finally time for the cooking experience. The classroom is a semi-private lesson with a maximum capacity of four students (②). All guests work together to prepare dishes around the clean island kitchen (③), while the host explains the process, so even cooking beginner can participate safely.
Enjoy the view from the window as well, as the kitchen is located on a hill with a great vantage point.When the dishes are ready, we will have a tasting in a traditional Japanese-style room. The tokonoma (alcove) is decorated with hanging scrolls and surrounded by tea ceremony utensils and seasonal flowers, creating a serene atmosphere. The tables are designed with hori-zataku (④) so you can stretch out your legs and relax. Enjoying conversation while eating food prepared by everyone, you will feel as if you are at a relative’s house. Please feel free to tell us about the differences in food culture of each other’s countries.
外国人向け料理教室Cook Aid Naraへようこそ!
① About Briefing ブリーフィングについて
Japanese food is popular overseas, but I will explain about Japanese home cooking and Nara’s local cuisine. The ancient capital Nara is the birthplace of various food cultures. Japanese food, which consists of a staple meal, main dishes, and side dishes, is a naturally nutritious and well-balanced cuisine. In addition to Japanese food, the average Japanese household has adopted a variety of Western, Chinese, and Italian dishes, which are arranged to Japanese tastes using seasonal vegetables and Japanese seasonings.
海外で人気の和食ですが、日本人の家庭料理や奈良の郷土料理について説明します。古都奈良は様々な食文化発祥の地でもあります。主食、主菜、副菜がそろった和食は自然に栄養バランスが整う料理です。日本人の一般家庭では、和食の他に洋食、中華、イタリアンなど様々な料理を取り入れていますが、季節の野菜や和風調味料を使って日本人好みの味にアレンジしています。② Semi-Private Lesson セミプライベートレッスン
Class participants must be at least 13 years old and up to 4 people. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you have a dish you would like to make that is not on the menu, we can arrange a private lesson.
教室参加者は13歳以上で4人までのセミプライベートレッスンが基本です。質問など何でもお気軽にお話ください。また掲載メニュー以外で作りたい料理がある場合は、貸し切りレッスンにすることが可能ですので、事前にご相談ください。③ Island-style Kitchen アイランドキッチン
We use an island-style kitchen (made by TOCLAS) exclusively for the classroom. Conversation is encouraged around the Japanese-style furniture-style kitchen with artificial marble counter tops and wooden doors.
All necessary cooking utensils and aprons are provided. Please wear comfortable clothes.
料理体験に必要な調理用具やエプロンなどすべて用意しています。動きやすい服装でご参加ください。④ What is Hori-zataku? 堀座卓とは ?
The room where the tasting will be held is a traditional Japanese-style room with an alcove, but the floor under the table has been dug down so that you can use it as if you were sitting on a chair without having to sit on the floor. In winter, the room is switched to underfloor heating, so you can enjoy cooking in comfort with warmth underfoot.
試食会をする部屋は床の間のある純和室ですが、テーブル下の床を掘り下げているので、正座することなく椅子に座る感覚で使えます。また冬場は床暖房に切り替えるので、足元が暖かく快適に料理を楽しむことができます。 -
季節のお弁当 Seasonal Bento Lunch Class
Autumn Bento Lunch 12,500
This is a lesson in making authentic Japanese food in just 3 hours. This Shokado bento is filled with seasonal takikomi-gohan (rice seasoned and cooked with various ingredients) and a variety of world-favorite side dishes such as tempura and teriyaki chicken. Dessert is shiratama anmitsu (dumplings). Why not try making this traditional Japanese dish yourself?
Cooking Experience Procedure
Welcome to Cook Aid Nara, a cooking class for foreigners!
After self-introductions, we will have a briefing about the dishes we will make today (①). Knowing the ingredients commonly used in Nara and the historical background of the dishes will make your Japanese cooking experience more interesting.Then it is finally time for the cooking experience. The classroom is a semi-private lesson with a maximum capacity of four students (②). All guests work together to prepare dishes around the clean island kitchen (③), while the host explains the process, so even cooking beginner can participate safely.
Enjoy the view from the window as well, as the kitchen is located on a hill with a great vantage point.When the dishes are ready, we will have a tasting in a traditional Japanese-style room. The tokonoma (alcove) is decorated with hanging scrolls and surrounded by tea ceremony utensils and seasonal flowers, creating a serene atmosphere. The tables are designed with hori-zataku (④) so you can stretch out your legs and relax. Enjoying conversation while eating food prepared by everyone, you will feel as if you are at a relative’s house. Please feel free to tell us about the differences in food culture of each other’s countries.
外国人向け料理教室Cook Aid Naraへようこそ!
① About Briefing ブリーフィングについて
Japanese food is popular overseas, but I will explain about Japanese home cooking and Nara’s local cuisine. The ancient capital Nara is the birthplace of various food cultures. Japanese food, which consists of a staple meal, main dishes, and side dishes, is a naturally nutritious and well-balanced cuisine. In addition to Japanese food, the average Japanese household has adopted a variety of Western, Chinese, and Italian dishes, which are arranged to Japanese tastes using seasonal vegetables and Japanese seasonings.
海外で人気の和食ですが、日本人の家庭料理や奈良の郷土料理について説明します。古都奈良は様々な食文化発祥の地でもあります。主食、主菜、副菜がそろった和食は自然に栄養バランスが整う料理です。日本人の一般家庭では、和食の他に洋食、中華、イタリアンなど様々な料理を取り入れていますが、季節の野菜や和風調味料を使って日本人好みの味にアレンジしています。② Semi-Private Lesson セミプライベートレッスン
Class participants must be at least 13 years old and up to 4 people. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you have a dish you would like to make that is not on the menu, we can arrange a private lesson.
教室参加者は13歳以上で4人までのセミプライベートレッスンが基本です。質問など何でもお気軽にお話ください。また掲載メニュー以外で作りたい料理がある場合は、貸し切りレッスンにすることが可能ですので、事前にご相談ください。③ Island-style Kitchen アイランドキッチン
We use an island-style kitchen (made by TOCLAS) exclusively for the classroom. Conversation is encouraged around the Japanese-style furniture-style kitchen with artificial marble counter tops and wooden doors.
All necessary cooking utensils and aprons are provided. Please wear comfortable clothes.
料理体験に必要な調理用具やエプロンなどすべて用意しています。動きやすい服装でご参加ください。④ What is Hori-zataku? 堀座卓とは ?
The room where the tasting will be held is a traditional Japanese-style room with an alcove, but the floor under the table has been dug down so that you can use it as if you were sitting on a chair without having to sit on the floor. In winter, the room is switched to underfloor heating, so you can enjoy cooking in comfort with warmth underfoot.
試食会をする部屋は床の間のある純和室ですが、テーブル下の床を掘り下げているので、正座することなく椅子に座る感覚で使えます。また冬場は床暖房に切り替えるので、足元が暖かく快適に料理を楽しむことができます。 -
カラフル押し寿司 Pressed Sushi Class
Nara is famous for “ Kakinoha (persimmon leaf) Sushi”, “Miwa-Somen noodles”, and “Kinako Mochi (mochi sprinkled with soy flour)”. This 2.5 hour lesson is an easy way to prepare these delicious local dishes. Popular sushi dishes can also be made vegetarian.
Cooking Experience Procedure
Welcome to Cook Aid Nara, a cooking class for foreigners!
After self-introductions, we will have a briefing about the dishes we will make today (①). Knowing the ingredients commonly used in Nara and the historical background of the dishes will make your Japanese cooking experience more interesting.Then it is finally time for the cooking experience. The classroom is a semi-private lesson with a maximum capacity of four students (②). All guests work together to prepare dishes around the clean island kitchen (③), while the host explains the process, so even cooking beginner can participate safely.
Enjoy the view from the window as well, as the kitchen is located on a hill with a great vantage point.When the dishes are ready, we will have a tasting in a traditional Japanese-style room. The tokonoma (alcove) is decorated with hanging scrolls and surrounded by tea ceremony utensils and seasonal flowers, creating a serene atmosphere. The tables are designed with hori-zataku (④) so you can stretch out your legs and relax. Enjoying conversation while eating food prepared by everyone, you will feel as if you are at a relative’s house. Please feel free to tell us about the differences in food culture of each other’s countries.
外国人向け料理教室Cook Aid Naraへようこそ!
① About Briefing ブリーフィングについて
Japanese food is popular overseas, but I will explain about Japanese home cooking and Nara’s local cuisine. The ancient capital Nara is the birthplace of various food cultures. Japanese food, which consists of a staple meal, main dishes, and side dishes, is a naturally nutritious and well-balanced cuisine. In addition to Japanese food, the average Japanese household has adopted a variety of Western, Chinese, and Italian dishes, which are arranged to Japanese tastes using seasonal vegetables and Japanese seasonings.
海外で人気の和食ですが、日本人の家庭料理や奈良の郷土料理について説明します。古都奈良は様々な食文化発祥の地でもあります。主食、主菜、副菜がそろった和食は自然に栄養バランスが整う料理です。日本人の一般家庭では、和食の他に洋食、中華、イタリアンなど様々な料理を取り入れていますが、季節の野菜や和風調味料を使って日本人好みの味にアレンジしています。② Semi-Private Lesson セミプライベートレッスン
Class participants must be at least 13 years old and up to 4 people. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you have a dish you would like to make that is not on the menu, we can arrange a private lesson.
教室参加者は13歳以上で4人までのセミプライベートレッスンが基本です。質問など何でもお気軽にお話ください。また掲載メニュー以外で作りたい料理がある場合は、貸し切りレッスンにすることが可能ですので、事前にご相談ください。③ Island-style Kitchen アイランドキッチン
We use an island-style kitchen (made by TOCLAS) exclusively for the classroom. Conversation is encouraged around the Japanese-style furniture-style kitchen with artificial marble counter tops and wooden doors.
All necessary cooking utensils and aprons are provided. Please wear comfortable clothes.
料理体験に必要な調理用具やエプロンなどすべて用意しています。動きやすい服装でご参加ください。④ What is Hori-zataku? 堀座卓とは ?
The room where the tasting will be held is a traditional Japanese-style room with an alcove, but the floor under the table has been dug down so that you can use it as if you were sitting on a chair without having to sit on the floor. In winter, the room is switched to underfloor heating, so you can enjoy cooking in comfort with warmth underfoot.
ScheduleスケジュールHow to take
lessonsご利用の流れ- 1.ご予約
- ご利用規約にご同意の上、レッスンページよりご予約ください。
- 2.決済
※現地決済には対応しておりませんので予めご了承ください。 - 3.事前準備
アレルギーや、食べられないものがある方はレッスン3日前までにお申し出ください。 - 4.当日
世界中のどこからでもCook Aid Naraのレッスンが受けられるオンラインレッスンです。自宅のキッチンで人気の日本料理を作りましょう。
※レッスンは日本語または英語にて行います。lessonsレッスン- 予約可能なレッスンはありません
Online lessons will start soon!
ScheduleスケジュールHow to take
lessonsご利用の流れ- 1.ご予約
- ご利用規約にご同意の上、レッスンページよりご予約ください。
- 2.決済
決済完了をもってご予約とさせていただきます。 - 3.事前準備
当日までにご準備ください。 - 4.当日
- プライベートレッスン
- 出張レッスン
- レシピ考案、イベント企画など
10/9 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on October 9
This was the last lesson of the year. The next lesson is scheduled for next March.
10/4 Lecture on Nutrition “Diet for Immunity” (Nara, Japan)
Private 非公開
Lecture on a business trip on October 4
I gave a health lecture on fermented foods in the Tawara area of Nara City. In Tawara, a women’s group plans to revitalize the community through traditional miso making.
9/11 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on September 11
8/15 Private lesson for Temari-Zushi (IT)
Private 非公開
Private lesson on August 15
8/7 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on August 7
7/31 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on July 31
7/24 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on July 24
7/17 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on July 17
7/10 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on July 10
7/3 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on July 3
6/26 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on June 26
6/19 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on June 19
6/12 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on June 12
6/5 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on June 5
5/29 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on May 29
5/15 Group lesson for character bento (US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson on May 15
4/16 Group lesson in Kyoto (AUS)
Private 非公開
4/16 11:00-13:00 Group lesson in Kyoto
4/3 Group lesson for character bento(US)
Private 非公開
Group lesson in Kyoto on April 3